Category Archives: seasonal

Episode #17: Sustainable Dining

On this episode, the Stumptown Vegans tackle the issue of sustainable dining.  Webly shares her expertise on the subject of sustainability and Jess makes the necessary compost jokes.

We discuss sustainable practices, dining options, and tips.

Stumptown Vegans Episode 17: Sustainable Dining

Stumptown Vegans Tips for Sustainable Dining:
1. Don’t eat meat.  Ever.
2. Walk, bike, or take Trimet to your favorite restaurants.
3. Choose restaurants that offer local, organic, fair trade, menu items.
4. Eat everything on your plate or take your own “to go” container.
5. Refuse extra dispensables you don’t need.
6. Encourage restaurants to change.


If you have any tips about responsible, sustainable dining, please share.

Papa G’s Vegan Organic Deli is dedicated to sustainable practices and was a runner up for the BEST awards this year.
Image Credit MsConnections on Flickr

Episode 7: Outdoor Dining

Episode #7: Outdoor Dining

Enjoy the end of summertime in Portland with the Stumptown Vegans, as we each share our Top Five outdoor dining spots. It’s no surprise that bar patios and food carts dominate!

Does your favorite place fall on our list?

Show Notes:

For the sake of keeping you tempted to listen, we are obviously limiting our show notes this episode.

A Bye & Bye on the back patio

The Bye & Bye

Thanks for joining us!